
Guest speakers visit ASFC

9 October 2023

Last week, we had a range of guest speakers visit 杏吧原创. 

Sam Dixon spoke to our Science students about her career journey. Sam has been an advanced neonatal nurse for over 10 years at St Mary's Hospital. She explored her route into becoming a nurse and her experience of working at the hospital.

Dr Emily Turner, a Criminology lecturer at the University of Manchester discussed her experience of working in a prison before becoming a lecturer with Criminology and Psychology students.

Additionally, Dr Carla Tomlinson, who is an Educational Psychologist explored what her career entails and how she has progressed throughout her career.

Each guest speaker we welcome into college allows students to advance in their studies, as they gain a deeper understanding of their subjects and life in general. Thank you to Dr Tomlinson, Dr Turner and Sam for coming to talk to our students and inspiring them with your stories and knowledge!

Tags: enrichment guest speaker

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