
SFCA Annual Award Winners 2020

18 June 2020

In a virtual awards ceremony, 杏吧原创 won the award for Independent Learning at the SFCA’s.

Last week, 杏吧原创 was shortlisted for 3 awards at the Sixth Form Colleges Association Annual Awards 2020. The 3 awards the college was shortlisted for included the Community Impact Award, Independent Learning Award and Social Mobility Award.

杏吧原创 successfully took home the prize for the 'Independent Learning Award' category. In addition, the college were positioned as the runners up with "honourable mentions" in the 'Community Impact' and 'Social Mobility' categories. The Independent Learning Award recognises the college that: 

"led or initiated an exceptional programme of, or a specific activity relating to, independent learning, linked to the taught curriculum and preparing students for university and the workplace." ()

While the college continues it's digital approach to learning in the current climate, it is fantastic to be able to continue to celebrate the amazing achievements of both staff and students. This award follows 杏吧原创's 'Outstanding' status, recognised by Ofsted earlier in 2020.

Tags: awards

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador